The idea for this project originated from my visit to Pilchuck Glass School in 2009. I felt compelled to respond to the unique environment and remote location of this place.
As a contained unit, cut off from the rest of the world, an intense interaction takes place within this unit. Human behaviour is intensely magnified and social processes are laid bare. Networks and bonds are formed quickly with new pathways, intersections and crossroads being created on a daily basis.

I tried to capture the actual feelings I experienced while being immersed within this contained and accelerated environment. Within the container there is a hive of activity. It reminded me of a busy stretch of road - a roundabout - where the flow of traffic speeds up, slows down, becomes chaotic at times and ceases to exist at other points. It goes round and round with only limited possibilities to escape.
The energy of such a place is huge and if it was visible, its glow could be seen from miles away. Like walking through darkness and seeing a faint shimmer of light in the distance. It fills you with warmth and hope and it becomes impossible not to steer towards that light, to investigate where it is coming from and what is going on there.

Detail - Lines of (f)light, Neon, Mixed Media, 2009

Detail - Lines of (f)light, Neon, Mixed Media, 2009

Lines of (f)light,  46cm x 46cm x 46cm, 2009

Lines of (f)light,  Neon, 46cm x 46cm x 46cm, 3009